Configuration file
Eleventy Notes provides several configuration options to customize the app. All of them are optional, but a basic configuration is recommended.
You may need to restart the app after changing the configuration.
Basic configuration
Open the app.mjs
file in the root of the project, next to your notes. Add a custom title (shown in the header), a description (not shown but used by search engines) and define the language of your content:
import { defineConfig } from "./.app/app-config.js";
export default defineConfig({
title: "John's Notes",
description: "The personal notes of John Doe",
lang: "en",
If you use an editor like VS Code, you can add type-checking to your configuration file by adding the following comment at the top of the file:
// @ts-check
This will warn you about invalid configuration options.
Supported configurations
In addition to the basic configuration, you can also:
- Adjust the URL of your notes, see Files and Folders
- Add an edit link to your notes, see Edit link
- Customize the notes in the sidebar or add links to other websites, see Sidebar
- Customize the content of the panel, see Panel
- Configure custom properties in the panel, see Custom Properties
- Change the color scheme, see Themes
- Customize the behavior of Wikilinks, see Wikilinks
- Create mappings for your tags, see Tags
The following example shows the supported configuration options:
import { defineConfig } from "./.app/app-config.js";
export default defineConfig({
title: "John's Notes",
description: "The personal notes of John Doe",
lang: "en",
customProperties: {
properties: [],
theme: {
color: "sky",
editThisNote: {
url: "{{file}}",
sidebar: {
links: [],
sections: [],
panel: {
tableOfContents: true,
tags: true,
customProperties: true,
incomingLinks: true,
outgoingLinks: true,
externalLinks: true,
wikilinks: {
autoLabel: "ref",
anchorLabel: "none",
tags: {
map: {},